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The Keylock Group ScotiaMcLeod®, a division of Scotia Capital Inc.

Brent Keylock, CIM, CFP, FMA, FCSI

Senior Wealth Advisor
Portfolio Manager

Brent has worked in the financial services industry since 1999 and with ScotiaMcLeod since 2002 specializing in customized wealth management solutions.

He holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation, which is the only internationally recognized financial planning designation. The CFP designation is a hallmark of professional excellence in which trust can be placed, and it is at the forefront of the international development of financial planning as a profession.

He also holds the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation which is a leading industry standard that is recognized by the Canadian securities regulators. It ensures that those who earn it have the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to evaluate and manage the most complex aspects of your investment portfolio.

An important aspect when seeking a suitable advisor is to find an expert who is not only capable of providing you with advanced service and advice, but is also held to a high professional standard that encompasses both best practices and ongoing continued education. All CIM professionals are required to abide by a Code of Ethics and must fulfill work experience and ongoing educational requirements.

There is so much more to portfolio management than just picking stocks so when choosing a CIM designation holder, be rest assured, you are making a smart and well-informed decision that will help optimize your financial investment goals and objectives.

Brent has also completed the Canadian Securities course and the Wealth Management Techniques course, thereby granting him the Financial Management Advisor (FMA) designation. The FMA designation provides a mastery of knowledge to help counsel individuals and corporate clients concerning complex wealth management issues beyond the scope of basic financial planning.

Brent’s Fellow of Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI) designation is awarded to industry professionals whose superior training and experience exemplify excellence. It is recognized as the highest honour in the financial services industry. This designation is the most senior financial services designation available in the Canadian marketplace. Representing individual integrity and unrivalled professionalism, the designation of FCSI is reserved for financial services professionals who have met the most exacting standards for industry experience, advanced education and solid endorsement from their peers and superiors.

ScotiaMcLeod®, a division of Scotia Capital Inc.